Gay hookup forum

Dating > Gay hookup forum

Where can we gay hookup forum the definitions ggay these terms and some examples of their usage? I wonder whether they are terms at. By definition, a term is a word or phrase that has an exact meaning. A term has often been formed for specific use in the defined meaning, but it may also be a common language expression to which a specialized, restricted meaning has been assigned in some bay />Hi, thank you for the reply, fennofiili! Both of these definitions are from Urban Dictionary. The client I am helping is basically a dating agency for gay men. Cruising definition: a : to search as in public places for a sexual partner. Let's go cruising the streets for a sex partner. Hookup definition: to hook up is to do anything from make-out to have sex, with someone you are not in a relationship with ex. I met a girl at a party and afterwards we went back to her place and hooked up I suppose 'gay' isn't necessarily a part of the term, just a foeum in this case. In any case, thanks for the help! It is normally resultative in such a meaning, i. The attribute makes things even more difficult. It used to be prerogative, and can still be nookup that way e.

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